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"para-lab introduce their methods for making collaborations between artists and scientists, in partnership with the MIDAS research programme

Annie Carpenter and Andrew Wilson will introduce para-lab and their methods for facilitating collaborations between artists and scientists, as well as highlighting some of their projects to date. There will also be short talks by several para-lab participants, both artists and scientists, sharing their working practices and experiences of collaborating across disciplines.

The final part of the session will be workshop-based, where attendees will take part in a small group exercise focussing on art/science exchange. This represents a first step in the process of forming collaborations and is designed to ignite discussion and generate ideas.


MIDAS is a multi-institution EPSRC Programme Grant, led by the University of Manchester in the Department of Materials. We are passionate about approaching research in broad and innovative ways, and members of our team have been working with para-lab now for a number of years."